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artist statement

Over time I’ve become more aware of the natural world and my relationship with it. Taking time to examine and appreciate a multitude of seemingly endless natural forms, an expansive interconnection becomes apparent, a collective nexus inextricably tied to the past and the future, as well as to ourselves. I find it both revealing and contradictory that human interactions with nature can at once be both self-sustaining and self-destructive. I am continually reminded of the rapidity of change and the mortality of everything.


Such introspection can serve as both measure and guide when placed in the context of the histories and consequences to which we are all bound. Looking beyond the patchwork of personal experiences and fixed considerations of self-identity, I feel myself part of a wider generational continuum, both descendant and ancestor, inheritor and benefactor. My art reflects deliberative considerations of personal history, but also a relationship with others, with the Earth, and with the strictures of time.